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About Us

Our Experience

Owner Ellen Bohman Mitchell got her start in animal care by working for more than four years at the Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control Shelter. There she gained experience in almost everything  from simple behavior and medical assessment, to administering medicine, enrichment activities, positive training techniques, and, arguably most important, the curiosity and passion to find solutions to help each unique animal in her care. 

Our Facility

Located in the hills above Fairbanks, just 15 minutes out of town, Merry Pup Inn covers 3 acres of open birch forest. Our home is their home, literally! Outside, the dog yard is surrounded by secure, six-foot fencing, and based on a dig-proof bed of rock tailings. Inside, the couch and the bed are always the dog's domain. On the rare occasions when we need to leave the house, we have extra large secure and comfortable kennels that have been battle-tested by the craziest of sled-dogs.

Merry Pup Inn - Fairbanks Pet Sitting

Board your pet with the best.

Our Love

At Merry Pup Inn, we treat your dog like the unique individual they are. Every dog is different, and we take great joy in learning about them and their personalities. We have experience in basic medical and behavior issues, and always strive to learn more from owners and experts alike, bringing new ideas and solutions to help dogs to reach their highest potential. Love isn't everything, but it sure is essential to our business.

Our Dogs

When visiting us, your pups will usually become best friends with ours. We wrap them into our routine like they are family. Tipsy, Minto, and Arrow are three energetic and loving Alaskan Huskies who love to play and show their guests all the best places to pee. 

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