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Frequently Asked Questions

Are my dogs supervised?

All dogs are always supervised for the first little while as they are getting comfortable with their new environment. After about a day or two, they usually adjust well to the routine and can be on their own in the dog yard unless their owner expresses otherwise. Dogs will always be kenneled safely if nobody is at home with them, and never for more than 5 hours at a time. 

Should I bring my own food?

If your dog is staying overnight, we do request that you bring enough food for your dog's entire stay. This prevents stomach upset from switching foods, and keeps our costs low. Any container is fine, as long as it contains a sufficient amount for the entire stay. 

Do you administer medications?

If your dog is here overnight, or needs their medication during the day, we are able to give any dosage of pill and some under-skin injectable medication such as insulin. Usually, if your vet has trained you to administer it yourself, we can too. 

Are vaccinations required?

Yes! Some diseases spread very quickly among dogs in a group environment. We don't want anyone to worry about the health of their pet while they are here, so we require proof of vaccination upon first appointment. These vaccinations are up-to-date Rabies, and Parvo/Distemper (often given together with other vaccinations in one shot, called a five-way)

     If you would like help getting these, contact us and we will help you find a veterinarian or vaccine provider. 

Are dogs fed together?

All dogs in the house for overnight stays will usually be fed at the same time, but in separate kennels from all other dogs. This is the main reason why each dog has a designated kennel. It prevents fighting over food, treats, and provides a sense of personal space and security for each dog. 

What do you do in an emergency?

If there is an emergency with your pet, we will immediately administer first aid to the best of our ability and contact a veterinarian. We always refer first to the dog's regular veterinarian (indicated by the owner) unless they are not available, in which case we will default to either the after-hours emergency clinic, or the next veterinary clinic available. All of the emergency contact information is kept readily available along with a first aid kit. 

How do I book you?

Simply give us a call! Call 907-712-7589 during business hours from 10AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday. Please be aware that sometimes we are unavailable to answer because of our active outdoor lifestyle, but will return your call as soon as possible. 

Can I book a meet-and-greet first?

Absolutely. We highly recommend a meet-and-greet before your pup's first day with us. This gives you an opportunity to see if you and your pup really fit in, allows us to gather information about your pup in a relaxed manner, and lets them get used to the new environment. Pre-booking meet-and-greets are entirely free. 

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